NEoN Digital Arts Archive
If you miss the opening of our flagship exhibition, Coded After Lovelace, catch it at the Hannah Maclure Centre over the week of the festival. Curated by Nora O’Murchu and Faith Holland and first seen at WhiteBox Gallery in New York earlier this autumn.
Re-curated for the Hannah Maclure Centre at the University of Abertay, it brings together artists across different generations in a survey of art that critically reflects on the creative use of technology: its developments and limitations.
Coded After Lovelace offers a survey of art that critically reflects on the creative use of technology, its development and limitations. From the room-sized computers of the Bell Labs era to the tablet-based work of today, this exhibition explores works incorporating emerging technologies into artistic practice. Coded After Lovelace creates a new lineage across artists of different generations.
The exhibition seeks to bring greater visibility to the work of women artists who have often been left out of histories of art and technology.
Artists include amongst others…
Carla Gannis
Claudia Hart
Olia Lialina
Rosa Menkman
Erica Scourti
Lillian F Schwartz
Lorna Mills
Cornelia Sollfrank
Bureau of Inverse Technology (B.I.T)
Event information
Venue: Hannah Maclure Centre
Where: University of Abertay, Bell Street
When: Monday 3rd – Saturday 8th November
Time: 10am – 4pm
This exhibition continues until 6th March 2015, Monday to Friday.